Kingdom Competition 8
Each kingdom is known for landmarks that denotes its role and status; which can be physical or event landmarks. Nonetheless, these physical landmarks were mostly remembered as they are distinguishable in their location, sizes and appearances. Creating a landmark is a task that requires the understanding of our origin and the land that we live in.
Key Dates
- Registration : 20th May 2019
- General Assembly : 1st August 2019
- 1st Round Judging Session : 2nd August 2019
- Full Site Installation : 2nd August 2019
- 2nd Round Judging Session : 3rd August 2019
- Announcement of Winners : 4th August 2019
- Compulsory entry to all participating institutions;
- Each institution is only allowed to submit only ONE (1) entry.
The objective of the installation competition are;
- To challenge students to design an installation that represents their respective institutions in commemoration of the 31st Architectural Student Workshop;
- To encourage each participating institution to creatively communicate their identity in the form of their chosen Kingdom;
- To allow participants to design and execute a prefabrication design that can dismantle and reassemble.
Design and build a folly representing their kingdom’s military strength (fort) by the following parameters;
- Apart from representing the Kingdom, the design shall take into consideration the 31st Architectural Workshop theme, which is ‘xxx!nyala (read as "the thirty first is NYALA");
- Folly design must have volume, space and structure;
- Each folly must not exceed the dimensions of 1.2m wide x 1.2m long x 2.1m high.
Rules and Submission Requirements
- The installation will be assembled during the 31st Architectural Workshop;
- The Installation must be accompanied by ONE (1) A1 presentation board in portrait layout(manually or digitally produced) describing and explaining the concept of the design in detail;
- List of participants and assemblers must be submitted to the organizers during the registration;
- Only registered assemblers are authorised to assemble the product on site;
- Each group of assemblers is responsible of keeping the workspace tidy;
- The choice of materials will play a vital role in the design of the folly design and should also represent the uniqueness of the kingdom;
- Ratio of raw materials to recycled materials is 3:2.
- Considerations of non-pollutant, weather, water and rust resistant, lightweight and safe materials is required.
- The installation is compulsory to be designed using prefabrication system for easy transportation and reassembling upon reaching the site;
- The location of the site for the installation will be determined during the event;
- Participants are required to hand-deliver their submissions in hardcopy and softcopy (if manually produced, please have it scanned or clearly photographed in the format of JPEG) upon arrival at the registration, via pendrive;
- Participants are required to do necessary preparation at their respective institution prior the installation at IUKL;
- The organizer reserves the right to reproduce AND/OR retain in full or part of the submitted works AND/OR recordings for the purpose of publication AND/OR purpose of archiving and exhibition AND/OR purpose of any promotional materials related to the Architectural Student Workshop, with credit of works remain owned by the submitter(s).
Judging Criteria
The jury shall evaluate the entries based on;
- Translation of institutional identity into the design
- Workmanship, durability, sustainability of materials used and integrity of prefabrication construction
- Creativity and Authenticity of the design
Panel jury reserves the right to apply appropriate waiver in the case of insufficient qualified short listed entries for the judging session. ALL JUDGING DECISIONS MADE ARE FINAL.