Kingdom Competition 5


Origin stories are found in every culture that are important to recant, in order to understand the way we are. You cannot build a framework of your life without understanding how things work in the world. History paints us a detailed picture of how society, technology, settlement and government worked previously, of which we can understand better on how it works now. It also helps us to determine how to approach the future, as it allows us to learn from our past mistakes and triumphs as a society.

Key Dates

  • Registration : 20th May 2019
  • Soft Copy Submission : 20th July 2019
  • Full Display / Performance : 1st - 3rd August 2019
  • Judging Session : 1st - 3rd August 2019
  • Announcement of Winners : 4th August 2019


  • There are two stages of short films competition, namely DONGAK (Our Kingdom) and CELIK (Kingdom's Origin - an introduction video prior to performance). The eligibility for both stages of short film competitions are as below;
  • Compulsory entry to all participating institutions;
  • Each institution is only allowed to submit only ONE (1) entry.


The short film aims to highlight identity of each participating institution as a kingdom. Main objectives of the competition are;

  • To act as a medium to allow students to share experience and appreciation of the Architectural Student Workshop;
  • To enhance students’ ability to convey a storyline through a short film;
  • To interpret unique understanding of the theme; xxx!nyala.


Produce a short documentary video to commemorate the 31st Architectural Student Workshop in two stages as described below;

Production Brief 1 - DONGAK (OUR KINGDOM)

  • Participants from each institution need to produce a short film telling about their respective Kingdom, by explaining the current situation from the eye of a villager.
  • The films need to demonstrate their Kingdom’s culture, society, ethnicity, monarchy etc. in a creative manner.
  • Apart from representing the KIngdom, the short film shall be produced in tandem with the 31st Architectural Student Workshop theme, which is ‘xxx!nyala (read as "the thirty first is NYALA").

Production Brief 2 - CELIK (KINGDOM'S ORIGIN)

  • The short film serves as an introduction video prior to SUARA NYALA Performance Competition;
  • Participants from each institution shall showcase the origin of their Kingdom using the short film prior to the stage performance.


Rules and Submission Requirements

  • All entries must be originally made for the MATA NYALA Short Film Competition and have not been featured anywhere else.
  • All entries must not have been previously published nor received any awards in any other competitions.
  • Short film duration for DONGAK (OUR KINGDOM);
    • FULL video length is 180 seconds ONLY;
  • Short film duration for CELIK (KINGDOM'S ORIGIN);
    • Minimum FULL video length is 30 seconds;
    • Maximum FULL video length is 60 seconds;
  • Minimum resolution for the film is 1080p, using 16:9.
  • Video shall be in MP4 format.
  • Films may be in Bahasa Melayu or English. English subtitles must be hard-coded.
  • No part of the film may contain prohibited, offensive or objectionable materials (political, language, nudity, sexual etc.)
  • Participants must ensure they have full ownership of the materials submitted (footage, music, images, typography etc.);
  • Proper citation must be included for part of works previously published or part of works published by another third parties;
  • Kindly note that certain parties may require written consent for use of their copyrighted materials;
  • Entries containing any unauthorised content will be disqualified;
  • The organizer reserves the right to reproduce AND/OR retain in full or part of the submitted works AND/OR recordings for purpose of publication AND/OR purpose of archiving and exhibition AND/OR purpose of any promotional materials related to the Architectural Student Workshop, with credit of works remain owned by the submitter(s).

Judging Criteria

The jury shall evaluate the entries based on delivery of theme, multimedia skills and quality of the production. Panel jury reserves the right to apply appropriate waiver in the case of insufficient qualified short listed entries for the judging session. ALL JUDGING DECISIONS MADE ARE FINAL.