Kingdom Competition 6
Performance is a genre in which art is presented "live," usually by the artist but sometimes with collaborators or performers. It is a method whereby performers deliver the meaning of a story or an idea through music, singing and dancing; while at the same time entertain the audience. Most of our historical moments and legends were recaptured and retold in various performances.
Key Dates
- Registration : 20th May 2019
- Full Display / Performance : 2nd - 3rd August 2019
- Judging Session : 2nd - 3rd August 2019
- Announcement of Winners : 4th August 2019
- Compulsory entry to all participating institutions;
- Each institution is only allowed to submit only ONE (1) entry;
- Only registered participants are allowed to take part in the performances.
The objective of the performance competition are;
- To develop awareness among the students on the relation between performance and space;
- To encourage students to explore their architecture-related talents and abilities beyond the usual parameters of an architecture student’s work.
Perform mainly on a story of their origin of Kingdom to reflect and promote your own institution. Full dancing in conveying the whole story is prohibited. Apart from representing the KIngdom, the performance shall be staged in tandem with the 31st Architectural Workshop theme, which is ‘xxx!nyala (read as "the thirty first is NYALA").
Rules and Submission Requirements
- All entries shall NOT contain any prohibited, offensive or objectionable materials of any sort (political, religious, sex, nudity etc.).
- Hazardous and flammable materials are strictly prohibited due to the safety concerns.
- Stand alone props are prohibited, however if needed, only small props that can easily be carried around are allowed;
- Maximum duration of the performance is 300 seconds plus 120 seconds for transition;
- Each participating institution is limited to only 20 members in representing entire kingdom;
- Any special effects must be informed and approved by the organizers;
- The sequence of performance will be decided randomly;
- Any further information and details shall be notified through NYALA 2019 official website and instagram;
- Any entries that did not comply with the rules will be subjected to automatic disqualifications;
- Participants are required to do necessary preparation at their respective institution prior the stage performance at IUKL;
- The organizer reserves the right to reproduce AND/OR retain in full or part of the submitted works AND/OR recordings for the purpose of publication AND/OR purpose of archiving and exhibition AND/OR purpose of any promotional materials related to the Architectural Student Workshop, with credit of works remain owned by the submitter(s).
Judging Criteria
The jury shall evaluate the entries based on delivery of theme, creative content, visual and aesthetic values. Panel jury reserves the right to apply appropriate waiver in the case of insufficient qualified short listed entries for the judging session. ALL JUDGING DECISIONS MADE ARE FINAL.